
Tree rings

Tree ring is the name of the annual ring, that is, of the alternating lighter and darker parts of the cross-section of a tree trunk.

Tree rings appear as a result of new growth (in width) in many plants. Looking with the naked eye, we can differentiate lighter and darker parts. Lighter parts of the ring appear in spring and early summer, when growth is faster and the need for water is increased. The growing wood is thinner then. Darker parts of the ring appear during summer and autumn, and they are denser because growth is slower and there is less need for water.

Following these regularities, counting of tree rings can be used for determining the age of the tree.

Think about this: There was a period of strong drought at the beginning of summer. What happened with the density of tree rings that year?

You can find wood samples in front of you. Count the number of tree rings by starting from the centre to the bark.

Sample number:






Think: What can we learn from looking at tree rings?