Station for natural sciences consists of three parts: a small meteorological station, exhibition part with 9 exhibits and magnifying glasses, and a labyrinth with animals and samples of their habitats.
The purpose of the meteorological station is to clearly display the instruments used for measuring basic meteorological parameters such as rainfall, temperature and atmospheric pressure.
The purpose of the labyrinth is to teach the younger children, in a fun way, where certain species of autochthonous animals hide, rest and live.
The purpose of the part with exhibits is to acquaint users with specimens which show the entire development of the Earth and humanity in an unusual way. The lowest row is related to geology, and shows three basic types of rock – sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. The middle row shows butterflies, insects (cockchafer beetles) and an urchin shell, while there is a sample of a very old hornbeam tree in the middle of the uppermost row. To the left and the right of the wood are printed plates that symbolize the reach of electronics.
- Take a look at the cross section of the tree with a magnifying glass. Can you see the tree rings?
- Are the rings equally dense?
- How old was the tree at the time of cutting?
- Is there a difference between the three types of rocks? Do you see certain minerals in all types of rocks?
- Can you identify individual electronic elements on electronic printed plates?
- Read the temperature, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity.
- (for older children) Compare your measurements with the nearest meteorological station (pay attention to times of measuring). Are there any deviations? Do you know why?
- If it is raining, empty the pluviometer (rain gauge), return it to its position and write down the time. Wait for 10-20 minutes and read the volume of rain. Can you calculate how much rain fell in one hour?
- (for older children) If the volume of precipitation is known, can you express your measurements in mm/m2?
- Atmospheric pressure, in addition to numbers, also has markings from overcast to sunny. Think, what is the connection between air pressure and weather (clouds)?
- Find your way through the labyrinth to help the animal to its habitat.
- Think: can some animals live in different habitats?